
Geek Tragedy is not liable for temporal disturbances or Oedipus moments caused by this shirt.
Abduction Female

Abduction Female
Damsel in distress! I'm not going to help, just letting you know...
Abduction Going Home

Abduction - Phone Home
The result of a long-distance call, and he's running before the bill comes in.
Abduction Male

Abduction Male
If that's Chuck Norris the aliens are in trouble... if it's not then the GUY is in probe based trouble.
Achievement Unlocked - Eyes Up Here

Achievement Unlocked - Eyes Up Here
Hey buddy, go north a bit... Although I accept provocation...
Achievement Unlocked - Go Fertility

Achievement Unlocked - Go Fertility
This achievement saps money like you wouldn't believe.
Achievement Unlocked - Mental Health

Achievement Unlocked - Mental Health
It was weird they started at II, right? RIGHT?!
Achievement Unlocked - I, Literate

Achievement Unlocked - I, Literate
Sadly some still don't get this one.
Achievement Unlocked - Outside

Achievement Unlocked - Outside
The graphics are excellent and the sound effects are realistic but I couldn't find a mission.
Achievement Unlocked - Strong Wrist

Achievement Unlocked - Strong Wrist
It's the gaming. Honestly.
Apparently They Do

Apparently They Do
I found out for you, Philip! I hate to leave a question unanswered.
Armour Equality

Armour Equality
It's the last big Fantasy crisis.
Be What You Want

Be What You Want
Don't let the world tell you what you can and can't be, be a unicorn if you want to be!
Be Yourself - Female

Be Yourself - Female
You can only be yourself... and that's good.
Be Yourself - Male

Be Yourself - Male
You tell em Terry, I mean Mum!

He comes to us all.

The trick is to go more than 30 seconds on arrival without asking for the password.
Dead Aid

Dead Aid
Zombies are a forgotten minority and they need our help against shotgun-based persecution.
Dead Dolls

Dead Dolls
Don't forget, shoot Barbie in the head to stop her coming back. Oh and she bit Ken...
Different Brain

Different Brain
Oh if only problems could be solved this easily... "Just plug in Einstein..."
Electric Personality

Electric Personality
He's great at parties, and for charging your laptop if you're in a jungle and it runs out.
Error U53R

Error U53R
It's a little used error code, but one at the root of an awful lot of problems.
Geek Love

Geek Love
It's special, fantastic and, best of all, full of mutual shiney things to share.
Geek Power

Geek Power
Switch it on!
Geek Tragedy

Geek Tragedy
Oh my god, won't someone think of the children? The humanity, the humanity!
Geeky and I Know It

Geeky and I Know It
I really am, and it's just as good as being sexy. That's what I tell myself anyway.
Grammar Police - Apostrophe

Grammar Police - Apostrophe
Such a little thing to be abused so often by so many... It needs respect!
Grammar Police - Literally

Grammar Police - Literally
Some people literally don't know what the word means.
Grammar Police - Priviledge

Grammar Police - Priviledge
If you use multiple ! or ? we will revoke your punctuating ability.
Grammar Police - They're/Their/There

Grammar Police - They're/Their/There
It's only spelling, just work at it...
Grammar Police - You're/Your

Grammar Police - You're/Your
Come on, it's a couple letters and an apostrophe different, you can do it!
Growing Up

Growing Up
Sometimes the very best way to be a happy adult is to be a REALLY happy child.
Guild of Procrastinators

Guild of Procrastinators
Let's be honest, we'll never amount to much as everyone pays their subs next week, every week.

You are feeling sleepy... hear my voice, you will buy lots of Geek Tragedy merchandise...
I Fear Nothing

I Fear Nothing
If you're not a little scared of your browser history then you're really not doing it right...
I Love My Geek

I Love My Geek
Shout it out loud for the world to know! You'll be a beacon for all geeks, in a good way.

It doesn't have to be much, but maybe just a little hint, a charade, anything?
Independent Princess

Independent Princess
She'll sort it herself, thanks...
Intelligent Life

Intelligent Life
Lets just hope they look a little deeper.
Internet Police - Brainalyser

Internet Police - Brainalyser
You're over the limit for inactive brain cells.
Internet Police - Crazy

Internet Police - Crazy
Twitter is the great de-leveller.
Internet Police - Following

Internet Police - Following
Don't get me started on poking.
Internet Police - Logic

Internet Police - Logic
I couldn't follow it with a map.
Internet Police - Moron

Internet Police - Moron
We have standards here.
Internet Police - Rights

Internet Police - Rights
Some rights are... more right.
Internet Police - Sarcasm

Internet Police - Sarcasm
At least they don't understand it most of the time.
Internet Police - Share

Internet Police - Share
Read first, then share.
It's In My Makeup

It's In My Makeup
I can't help it, it's programmed into me. I'm a slave to my chemistry.
Magic Word

Magic Word
You'd think more people would know this, it's amazing what it can make happen.
Make Your Mind Up

Make Your Mind Up
Something I'm made aware of by female friends regularly is this social conundrum...
Man Power

Man Power
Switch it on!
Office Dreams

Office Dreams
I know I used to have these when I was stuck in an office all day, I blame the tie cutting off oxygen.
Plug N Play

Plug N Play
One day I'll understand how it always takes at least 3 goes... I blame space/time rips.

The Men In Black keep this off the official periodic table for fear of over-use.
Protect Our Rights

Protect Our Rights
Fight back against the people who think video games are the root of all evil! Just be careful, they have guns..
Psychic Support

Psychic Support
I'm seeing a tall, dark stranger breaking your computer... Do you know anyone called Archibald?
Ready Aim Miss

Ready Aim Miss
How did this lot beat the Jedi? I guess they dove into the path of misses thinking they'd shoot on target.
Reboot Yourself

Reboot Yourself
Sometimes it's pretty much the only way, I even do it myself sometimes.
Retro Game Over

Retro Game Over
Please insert 10p to play again.
Roses Are...

Roses are...
One for the photographers and designers who spend too long in a hex wheel....
Side Quests

Side Quests
I just don't want to miss anything.
Slay of the Dead

Slay of the Dead
Sometimes it's always best to get the professionals in... Years of Resident Evil pays off!
Split Personality

Split Personality
I'm in two minds over everything...
Spot the Female Warrior

Spot the Female Warrior
Anyone want to swap? Guys?
Supreme Being

Supreme Being
She's... Perfect. And she really was...

It's moving...
The Engineer's Motto

The Engineer's Motto
Then, once it's broken, it needs more features to fix it!
Three Rules

Three Rules
Whatever you do in life, ALWAYS heed the old chinese man when he sells you something.
The Time Traveller's Life

The Time Traveller's Life
We'd all be tempted, don't act heroic with me, I can tell.
Top of the League

Top of the League
Truly the best of the best of the best...
T-Rex Hates Selfies

T-Rex Hates Selfies
They just never look like him however hard he tries.

Let's be honest, the possibilities are endless... and that's equal parts scary and exciting.
V for...

V for...
It'll give you the X-Factor
Woman Power

Woman Power
Switch it on!